Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus are the smallest of all lotus. Growing no larger than 14 inches tall. These delicate lotus should be kept in very shallow water no more than 3 inches from soil to the waters surface. Growing containers of 10 to 12 inches wide are adequate but the larger width you can go the more blooms you can expect. These go nicely in a full sun area outside the pond also in decorative containers. Expect to add water often to lotus outside the pond. Lotus plants are seasonal and can only be shipped in early spring when the plant is dormant as a tuber (think of a skinny potato). Each tuber will come in excellent condition with multiple growth tips and excellent planting instructions. Follow our included planting guide and you should have no issue getting flowers the very first year.
Reservations for Lotus are taken in Fall beginning October 1st for the following spring delivery. Lotus ship seasonally Mid-March to Late-May.
***Please remember to Reserve/order EARLY!***
- Lotus cannot be sent outside of spring as other pond plants after May.
- Lotus are grown from dormant Tubers.
- Vegetative reproduction is the only way to genetically keep a hybrid true to name. Hybrid seeds are not genetically stable and will be a new cultivar.
One of the best blooming Lotus!
Reserve Live Pond Plants
Water Lillies & Lotus
For Spring & Summer Today
Elegant flowers and seed pods!
Reserve Live Pond Plants
Water Lillies & Lotus
For Spring & Summer Today
Dwarf/Bowl Heavy Bloomer! Early Bloomer!
Reserve Live Pond Plants
Water Lillies & Lotus
For Spring & Summer Today
Reserve Live Pond Plants
Water Lillies & Lotus
For Spring & Summer Today
DynaDirt ,
Reserve Live Pond Plants
Water Lillies & Lotus
For Spring & Summer Today