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Waterlilies & Lotus


Natural Earth Bottom Ponds...
Essentials for success & our favorite plants

Matt takes us through what we need to know about planning a natural earth bottom pond including planting oxygenating grasses, shelf plants, and large flowering waterlilies you can see from afar! None of our reccomendations will overtake your pond.

Eliminate Mosquitoes with WaterGardens and Features!

We know a standing bucket of water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. But what if I tell you a living watergarden elimates the population of mosquitoes for the whole yard? How? Matt explains in this excellent video and 2 or 3 of the reasons you may have accomplished without even knowing why it happened!

Planting a Hardy Water Lily in 4 easy steps!

A hardy water lily has a different root system than the annual or tropical lily. They can survive cold winters under the ice but also need a much wider container to grow and flower properly. Follow these easy steps!

Live Guarantee depends on you reporting issues timely!

Must Watch! Please never wait to address an issue, even the smallest concern. We are requiring issues with delivery be reported in the first 24 hours so we know they are attended to and the issue lies with delivery or before. If at any time after arrival plants show signs of stress please contact us immedietly so we can solve an issue before it is too detrimental to correct.

Don't get swindled! The BLUE LOTUS of the Nile
is not a Lotus at all.... So that lotus seed you are buying is likely pink or a non-flowering Lotus

NONE of the listings for seeds on Amazon or Ebay or Etsy are Blue Lotus. Every image is either an incorrect waterlily or photoshopped Lotus image. All of them. Yes, you are being sold a seed, it will probably sprout but not the plant that is Historically known as the Blue Lotus of the Nile. No Lotus are blue, so what is that Flower?

Hummingbirds and Butterflies to the WaterGarden!

Matt discusses which of our marginal bog plants will bring these little jewels to your garden. Cardinal Flower, Milkweed, and Monkey flowers are just a few reccomendations! Remember bright tubular shaped flowers are what these creatures need to drink. Have you heard of firecracker plant? Cardinal Flower,
Firecracker plant ... we have a whole suggested selection you should entertain these guests with.

Algae; The 3 Causes & Honest Solutions

Never worry about algae again after you watch Jennings explain the 3 causes. There are suggested solutions based on the cause. There is no answer that fits all so lets explore the situation together!

Easy Pond Plants for Beginners

Though we still need you to follow our planting instructions and acclimating plants guide when taking them out of the box, these plants are some of the very easiest we can get you started. Jennings mentions some very easy bog (wetland) plants (for shallow water), hardy water lily varieties, and some floating plants that are not used as often as they should.

Planting an Annual Water Lily in 4 easy steps!

Jennings will describe a good size container, the proper planting matrix and the fertilizer schedule of annual water lilies which need temperatures of 72 degrees or warmer. Keeping these plants happy will have them blooming daily into fall with ease!

Acclimating your Submerged plants on arrival!

Most all our plants need to stay cool and hydrated. Let us begin by getting a few buckets of pond water to a shady side of the house and acclimate these plants properly for the first 48 to 72 hours before putting in sunlight. Do not take indoors to acclimate, that is too dark.

Dividing and Repotting & overgrown hardy lily.

Ken Landon & Tim Davis from the International Waterlily Collection in San Angelo show us how they divide and replant a hardy waterlily. This is important to keeping the water lily plants flowering freely.

If I order BEFORE normal planting time - when will my order ship?

This depends on the time of year you place the order. In late winter and spring live orders are usually held until proper planting time. Schools and labs buy plants all year, check with us by phone or email if you need something in the chilly part of the year and we can let you know before ordering if we can ship that right out.

When will my order ship, If I order at or after normal planting time?

We ship Live plants Monday - Wednesday each week until June 1. After June 1 we usually only ship live plants on Mondays and Tuesdays. Your order must be in the previous weekday by 9:30 AM Eastern Time in order to be processed and prepped for shipping the next day. Orders placed after 9:30am Eastern on the last preparation day of the week (Tuesday or Wednesday) will then be held until the following week for shipping. We aim for plants to arrive within 2 or at most 3 days of shipping. Depending on the quantity of tadpoles they may be one or two days in transit.
Transit does not account for the processing time which could be 1 day or as many as 5 in hot summer weather when we ship only at the beginning of each week.

When will you ship non-live goods, live fish, tadpoles ?

Non live goods ship Monday - Thursday. Many plant items ship from the nursery with the plant order (like fertilizer). Many non-plant items like fish food ship from our warehouse and ship separate from the other items on the order. Live fish and Bulk Tadpole order ship Monday-Thursday each week. Please see out videos on how to acclimate Fish, Tadpoles, and Live Plants before ever placing the order so that things go smooth and simple for you and the live products!

Our Blog: WATER GARDENS & Water Gardeners

Creating a Pond Ecosystem

Hey Friends, I hope you are enjoying another season with your backyard pond. When you bring a water feature into the landscape, you add more than aesthetic value, you actually...

Results from Patrick Nutt EndowedScholarship Naming Rights Event

Hello Friends, I have great news to report to you today regarding the Patrick A. Nutt Scholarship. With guidance from Longwood Garden, Paula Biles, Kelly Billing and Zac deGarmeaux, along...

Waterlily Hybridizer, Ao Weerada

Hello Friends,  I met Ao Weerada in 2013, early in her waterlily hybridizing career/hobby. Her knowledge and enthusiasm is amazing! She is a well known grower of waterlilies, especially for...


Everything You Need To Grow your the Best Watergarden Plants!

How to Plant 'Pond Plants'
How to Plant 'Pond Plants'
Aquatic Plant Soil, You need this!
Aquatic Plant Soil, You need this!
How to get Explosive Waterlily Blooms
How to get Explosive Waterlily Blooms
Growing Lotus in / out of the Pond
Growing Lotus in / out of the Pond
What are some Shade loving Pond Plants
What are some Shade loving Pond Plants
Earth Bottom Ponds & Natural Swimming Pools
Earth Bottom Ponds & Natural Swimming Pools
Invasive Aquatic Plants by State
Invasive Aquatic Plants by State
Koi Ponds are not Water Gardens!
Koi Ponds are not Water Gardens!
The amazing people behind the varieties <br> we love have a lot to teach us.
The amazing people behind the varieties
we love have a lot to teach us.
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