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Aeration (1)
Algaecide or Preventatives (8)
All Waterlilies For Sale (109)
Annual Water Lilies (45)
Beneficial Bacteria for ponds (9)
Brilliant / Deep Red Lotus (2)
Buy Medium Height Lotus Varieties (8)
Buy Tadpoles and Pond Snails (6)
Category Bundle (0)
Champion Waterlilies (77)
Chloramine & Ammonia Removers (0)
Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies (6)
Day Blooming Water Lily (63)
Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies (14)
Easy Choices for Beginners (40)
Emergent Pond Plants (16)
Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies (9)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus (4)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale (5)
Fall & Winterizing Items (4)
Featured Products (9)
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses (7)
Fish Foods (1)
Floating & Submerged Plants (17)
Floating Pond Plants (17)
Flocculants (1)
Grows to the Surface - Appears to Float (8)
Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies (39)
Items currently out of stock & special order items (4)
Koi & Fish Medicine (2)
Koi and Pond Fish for sale (15)
Koi Pond & Water Garden Gifts (0)
Liner & Building Supply (0)
Lotus Plants / Lotus Flowers, <br> (20)
Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies (39)
Micro, Dwarf & Small lotus for sale (5)
Midlevel pond plants 4-12 inches deep. (48)
Native Bog Plants (North America) (34)
Native Plants & Arrowheads, water garden plants (38)
Nets & Gloves (2)
Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars (63)
Water Lilies for Natural & Earth Bottom Ponds (46)
Waterlilies for Earthen natural ponds (38)
White Lotus Flowers (2)
Yellow or Green Lotus for Sale (4)
Below $20
$20 - $35
$35 - $50
$50 - $125
Above $125
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses
Proper Planting Containers & Fertilizer are needed if you have a pond with a liner rather than an earth bottom pond. Fabric pots are highly recommended, the additional air that can get in and to the roots speeds up plant growth. The sides of fabric containers can be folded down to use like a handle so they are height adjustable. Depending on your water depth, Fabric planters can easily be adjusted by rolling down to the desired height. The two best industry aquatic plant fertilizers are also offered. WaterlilyWorld Tabs + Humates or Landon Granular fertilizer in multiple sizes give plant access to macro and micro nutrients. Both are safe for fish and other aquatic animals.
Aeration (1)
Algaecide or Preventatives (8)
All Waterlilies For Sale (109)
Annual Water Lilies (45)
Beneficial Bacteria for ponds (9)
Brilliant / Deep Red Lotus (2)
Buy Medium Height Lotus Varieties (8)
Buy Tadpoles and Pond Snails (6)
Category Bundle (0)
Champion Waterlilies (77)
Chloramine & Ammonia Removers (0)
Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies (6)
Day Blooming Water Lily (63)
Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies (14)
Easy Choices for Beginners (40)
Emergent Pond Plants (16)
Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies (9)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus (4)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale (5)
Fall & Winterizing Items (4)
Featured Products (9)
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses (7)
Fish Foods (1)
Floating & Submerged Plants (17)
Floating Pond Plants (17)
Flocculants (1)
Grows to the Surface - Appears to Float (8)
Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies (39)
Items currently out of stock & special order items (4)
Koi & Fish Medicine (2)
Koi and Pond Fish for sale (15)
Koi Pond & Water Garden Gifts (0)
Liner & Building Supply (0)
Lotus Plants / Lotus Flowers, <br> (20)
Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies (39)
Micro, Dwarf & Small lotus for sale (5)
Midlevel pond plants 4-12 inches deep. (48)
Native Bog Plants (North America) (34)
Native Plants & Arrowheads, water garden plants (38)
Nets & Gloves (2)
Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars (63)
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
$7.85 - $22.50
PondGrow Planting Containers, designed by PondMegastore Nursery! The PondGrow Planting Containers deliver oxygen to the ROOTS and is the only fabric planter with handles MADE FOR WATER USE!Double Stitched Handles on our PondGrow Container makes lowering these pots slowly into the pond much easier. Also the height on these aquatic...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
$25.00 - $235.97
Great For Plants! Easy to use! Waterlily World Pond Tablets Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs Fertilizer tablets for waterlilies, lotus and almost all other aquatic plants! Fast acting fertilizer tabs that allow their nutrients to go to work quickly, giving plants a strong start and healthy diet. with a 10-14-8 NPK...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
$23.50 - $44.95
Floating Pond Plant - Fish Barriers, 18" Medium, 24" Large, & 36" X-large round barriers. 18", 24", 36" Floating Pond Plant - Fish Barriers protects your plants by keeping your fish (koi) from eating them! Great for the following plants: Water Hyacinths Water Lettuce Salvinia Botswana Wonder (Giant Sensitive Plant)...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
$25.00 - $375.00
Great For Plants! Easy to use! Pond Tabbs Aqauatic Plant Fertilizer Tablets Pond Tabbs Aqauatic Plant Fertilizer Tabs Fertilizer tablets for waterlilies, lotus and almost all other aquatic plants! Fast-acting fertilizer tabs that allow their nutrients to go to work quickly, giving plants a strong start and a healthy diet...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Landon Fertilizer 25 lb bag (Supersize) Landon Fertilizer, developed by hybridizer, Ken Landon, also Director of the International Waterlily Collection in San Angelo, Texas. This supersized package of fertilizer will treat 30 - 48 full size plants for three months (80-90 days) per treatment or twice that number of...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
PondGro is a loam soil mix for those who lack access to decent sandy loam soil for pond plants, such as in areas of Florida, parts of the desert southwest, or western USA mountain regions. Normal bagged soil is filled with organic matter that decays in the water. Our loam...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Introducing DynaDirt – the perfect planting mix for your aquatic plants that is guaranteed not to foul your pond water, cause algae, or harm your fish. With over 20 years of proven success among botanical gardens and professional growers across the USA, DynaDirt is a reliable and valuable mix for...