Hello Friends,
I have great news to report to you today regarding the Patrick A. Nutt Scholarship. With guidance from Longwood Garden, Paula Biles, Kelly Billing and Zac deGarmeaux, along with fellow donors, were able to help raise $30,000. to be used for new students who have been accepted into the Longwood Gardens International Internship and Training Programs.
We asked many hybridizers in the industry to donate an unnamed hybrid for this event.
Three Hybridizers, G. Tony Moore of Bethel, Ohio, Laura Bancroft of Dothan, ALabama and Sqn. Ldr. Primlarp Wasuwat Chukiatman of Nonthaburi, Thailand, volunteered to donate an unnamed plant for donors to have an opportunity to name one of the hybrid specimens.
The plants included an unnamed waterlily hybrid from Mr. G. Tony Moore, an unnamed lotus hybrid from Mrs Laura Bancroft and an unnamed waterlily hybrid from Sqn. Ldr. Primlarp Wasuwat Chukiatman.
Names chosen for the three, previously unnamed plants are as follows:
Tony Moore's unnamed hybrid waterlily was named 'Ken's Stellar Day' in memory of Ken Steibler.
Mrs. Laura Bancroft's unnamed hybrid lotus was named 'Inspiration' by an anonymous donor in honor of Laura Bancroft and in memory of Patrick Nutt.
Sqn Ldr. Primlarp Wasuwat Chukiatman was named 'Patrick's Dream' in memory of Patrick Nutt.
The first scholarship to be awarded from this program will be in July, 2017. An International student will benefit by being awarded assistance with their travel expenses. Funds will be awarded and distributed to the students with the most need, including those who may otherwise have to forfeit the opportunity.
Support for this program will ensure the furtherance of education for the students fortunate enough to participate.
We sincerely thank all of you who participated in this event and encourage your support in the future.
You can obtain the new lotus 'Inspiration' from Ten Mile Creek Nursery and Pondmegastore.
You can obtain the waterlily 'Ken's Stellar Day' through Moore Waterlilies in Bethel, Ohio.
We will have more information in the future when and where Sqn.Ldr. Primlarp Chukiatman 'Patrick's Dream' can be obtained.
Paula Biles, Kelly Billing and Zac deGarmeaux will continue updating the PatrickNuttScholarship.com website as the scholarships are rolled out.