Unique and Unusual "Showcase" Plants– Pond Megastore

Unique and Unusual "Showcase" Plants

Unique and Unusual "Showcase" Plants

We sell some amazing plants here at PondMegaStore. Some of the most beautiful, SHOWSTOPPING plants are often unique and unusual. Here are just a few of the fabulous plants that we have to offer:

  1. Black Coral Taro is a spectacular specimen with midnight- black leaves and a glossy sheen, it is a standout among the other plants with pronounced veining and undulating leaf surface. Black Coral Taro stand 4-5' tall and makes an exciting and exotic focal point! This is a tender bulb and must be lifted in northern climates after the 1st frost. Overwinter indoors and plant in the spring after all danger of frost has passed. Plant in full sun to part shade in moist soil.
  2. Elena Taro will bring a touch of the tropics to your pond,  patio or landscape!  Elena Taro has a dazzling display of bright, chartreuse-green leaves, violet-purple veining and grows to 3' tall in part sun to part shade.  Absolutely dazzles when planted in containers or in your landscape. Unrivaled color in your water garden setting! In northern climates, lift bulb after 1st frost, overwinter indoors and plant in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Plant in moist soil in full sun to part shade in evenly moist soil. 
  3. Mojito Taro is an exciting and unusual specimen with large, lush, green leaves and remarkable, black spattered leaf markings. Simply stunning in any water garden setting, pond or patio adding variety and interest with the unusual leaf markings. In northern climates, lift bulb after first frost and overwinter indoors. Plant in spring when all danger of frost has passed. Plant if full sun to part shade in evenly moist soil.Grows 3-4' tall
  4. White Lava Taro is a magnificent plant with lush, rippled, green leaves and creamy- white veining that spills down the center of the remarkable leaves. This splendid specimen grows 3-4' tall with a 3' spread. The variegated leaves are very showy! Grow in sun to part shade, in moist soil
  5. Miss Siam Perennial Waterlily is a stunning, brilliant-pink waterlily with exquisite, beautifully arranged petals that surround a golden-yellow center with yellow stamens. A dazzling delight in the summer water garden. Bronze pads mature to green. Great bloomer! Medium sized waterlily with 3-4' spread. Plant 1-3' beneath the surface of the water, in full sun. Fertilize with PondTabbs for best bloom and robust plant!
  6. Plum Crazy Tropical Waterlily is an AWARD WINNING tropical waterlily drenched in purple coloration and with many petals. Lush, full flowers in vivid purple will amaze you! The outer petals are long and the inner petals are shorter, creating a bushy appearance. The centers of the blooms are golden-amber. This waterlily definitely has the WOW factor! The pads are green striped with with purple and are absolutely STRIKING! A good bloomer too! Plant 1-2' beneath the surface of the water, in full sun. Fertilize with PondTabbs.
  7. Deacon DeGarmeaux Lotus is an outstanding choice! A tall, statuesque, single petal lotus with magnificent, rosy-red blooms and awesome foliage! A great focal point in your pond or when placed in large containers on your patio or deck. This spectacular lotus was named for a beautiful, little boy who died much too soon. Deacon was treasured by all who knew him. All proceeds from the sale of this lotus go to children's charities around the world.
  8. Bold Protector Lotus is simply MAGNIFICENT! 8-10", rich, rosy-red flowers with petals that look as if they were hand painted with their subtle striation. The classic, single petal blooms are held high above the lush, green foliage. Grows 3-4' tall and looks fabulous in any water garden setting!
  9. Little Red Missing has dazzling, red blooms with exuberant, bright yellow centers! ALWAYS A CUSTOMER FAVORITE! This delightful, brilliant-red lotus is simply irresistible. Often multiple blooms! Dwarf-Medium in size depending on size of container. Fabulous when planted in half-barrel sized containers.
  10. Blue Hawaii Taro is SIMPLY SPECTACULAR! Large, green, heart-shaped leaves with remarkable, purple-blue veining. Plant these gorgeous plants in full sun to part shade in moist soil. In northern climates,lift tender bulbs after first frost and replant in the spring after all danger of frost has passed. Plants grow upright with a clumping habitat and make a dazzling display when planted in your landscape, on decks, patios, at water's edge or the bog area of your pond. An amazing focal point when potted and placed on risers in your pond! Blue Hawaii Taro brings a piece of paradise to your water garden.

The amazing plants listed above along with many, many others can be found at pondmegastore.com     ENJOY! 

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