Grower's Choice Blue Water Lily
Day Bloomer
We choose current nicest plant in the color spectrum
- Description
Grower's Choice Blue Day Bloomer
Plant Description
Our best looking BLUE waterlily as of the date this order is shipping. We choose the variety, you get a great looking plant at a great price. Growers choice plants help customers get more sizeable plants and help us control inventory in a very niche market that changes from year to year.
Planting Instructions
Plant your tropical waterlily in a wide, shallow container using loam soil or aquatic planting media. Place your container in full sun, 1 foot beneath the surface of the water. Fertilize monthly with a slow release fertilizer like Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs + Humates throughout the growing/blooming season for best bloom and vigorous plant growth. Tropical Waterlilies bloom beautifully in the north and are considered annuals.