Missouri Waterlily
Large, Night Bloomer
- Description
Missouri Waterlily is a stunning, night blooming, annual waterlily. The flowers on this white, night bloomer are out of this world! The spectacular blooms on Missouri Waterlily can be 12 inches across, in delicate shades of creamy-white with amber stamens! The lily pads are dark-green and serrated. Missouri Waterlily opens at dusk and closes in the morning. Missouri Waterlily is large in size and is a fabulous, tropical, night blooming specimen! Great to view in the evening when your pond is lit and beautiful at dawn with that first cup of coffee in the morning!
Place 6 - 24 inches beneath the surface of the water, using large container with loam soil.
Plant in full sun and fertilize throughout the growing/blooming season.
We recommend and sell Landon Granular Fertilizer or Waterlily World Pond Tabs for all of your pond lilies.