Buy Pond Cattails, Variegated Cattail Live Pond Plants– Pond Megastore

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Variegated Cattail, Winter Hardy (Typha) Gorgeous Foliage!

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Variegated Cattails (Typha Latifolia Variegata)are a striking form of the common cattail (although not as aggressive) with variegated, strap-like foliage, growing 4 - 5 feet tall with a 12 - 18 inch spread. Variegated Cattails add vertical interest to your pond or water garden feature. Pretty, velvety, brown catkins form after Variegated Cattails bloom in mid-summer.

Height Grows 4 - 5 feet tall

Width Grows 12 - 18 1nches wide

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements Moist soil or shallow water

Bloom Time Mid to late summer, followed by brown catkins late summer to fall

Plant your Variegated Cattails in deep, wide containers using loam soil or directly into the soil of your natural bottom pond with  up to 12 inches of water above the roots, in full sun to part shade. Variegated Cattails are not as aggressive as the common cattail and are hardy in zones 3 - 10

Variegated Cattails (Typha Latifolia Variegata) are a striking form of the common cattail (although not as aggressive) with variegated, strap-like foliage, growing 4 - 5 feet tall with a 12 - 18 inch spread. Variegated Cattails add vertical interest to your pond or water garden feature. Pretty, velvety, brown catkins form after Variegated Cattails bloom in mid-summer.

Plant your Variegated Cattails in deep, wide containers using loam soil or directly into the soil of your natural bottom pond with  up to 12 inches of water above the roots, in full sun to part shade. Variegated Cattails are not as aggressive as the common cattail and are hardy in zones 3 - 10

Height Grows 4 - 5 feet tall

Width Grows 12 - 18 1nches wide

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements Moist soil or shallow water

Bloom Time Mid to late summer, followed by brown catkins late summer to fall

Zone 3 - 10

 Planting Instructions

Plant your Variegated Cattails in deep, wide containers using loam soil or directly into the soil of your natural bottom pond with  up to 12 inches of water above the roots, in full sun to part shade. Variegated Cattails are not as aggressive as the common cattail and are hardy in zones 3 - 10

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