Montana Butterfly
Variegated Water Snowflake (Nymphoides)
- Description
Montana Butterfly or Nymphoides indica, is a lovely little pond plant with one inch in diameter, delicate, white, fringed blooms that stand 1/4 to 1/2 inch above the green, variegated foliage that look like small lily pads. The plant has a 12 - 24 inch spread and the pads are small, usually 2 -3 inches in diameter. Montana Butterfly blooms all summer long until frost. Though this plant appears to float on the surface of the water, it must be planted in soil. Native to the southern hemisphere, the name Montana makes little sense to us, though it has been called that here in the United States for some time. Montana Butterfly is one of the most delightful pond plants we have seen! Montana Butterfly is perfect for small ponds or container gardens. Considered an annual in the north and must be protected from cold temperatures.
Cannot ship potted into California.
also known as : Nymphoides indica
Height Grows to 1/2 inch above the surface of the water, 2 - 3 inch pads lay on the surface of the water
Width Can spread 1 - 2 feet across the surface of the water
Light Requirements Full Sun to Part Shade
Planting Depths Plant in 3 - 4 inch pots using loam soil and place 3 - 20 inches beneath the surface of the water
Moisture Needs Wet, Must be planted in water--prefers calm water
Bloom Time All summer until frost
Zone Hardy in zones 8 - 11
Montana Butterfly does well in full sun to part shade. Plant these beauties in shallow water at the edge of your pond using small containers, at least 3 - 4 inches in diameter and sandy-loam soil, and place containers in the water with 3 - 20 inches of water of water above the top of the pot. These can be planted along with taller plants near the surface of the water at the edge of the pond, to hide planting containers. Never top your containers with stones or pebbles, you can top off the last inch of your container with sand. Montana Butterfly will not tolerate dry conditions and will not overwinter where it freezes. Montana Butterfly prefers calm water.
Sandy-Loam Soil is a 50/50 mix of sand and topsoil, both sand and topsoil can be purchased at Lowe's or Homes Depot
Louisiana and North Carolina have restricted this plant. It will not be shipped to either state.