Thai Nationality Waterlily in Pang U Bon by Primlarp Wasuwat & Kom– Pond Megastore

Thai Nationality Waterlily in Pang U Bon
by Primlarp Wasuwat & Komgrit Chukiatman

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'Thai Nationality Waterlily in Pang U Bon', a beautiful, hardcover book from experts Primlarp Wasuwat and Komgrit Chukiatman, written in Thai as well as English. 

 This book is about waterlilies that have been scientifically researched and beautifully depicted. Explore the scientific, cultural and spiritual aspects of the waterlilies of Pang U Bon. The writers are passionate about their work and take you on a journey to the very beginnings of the Pang U Bon gardens in Thailand and its subsequent growth.

In 'Thai Nationality Waterlily in Pang U Bon' you will learn about the attributes and characteristics of Tropical Waterlilies, Perennial Waterlilies, Night Blooming Waterlilies, Day Blooming Waterlilies, Australian Waterlilies, Intersubgenerics and the Victoria Waterlilies as well as Lotus in Thailand's history. Beautiful pictures of these 'water garden jewels' are on display throughout the book. A beautiful gift for the water gardener in your life--or yourself! 

We are privileged and honored to offer the book, 'Thai Nationality Waterlily In Pang U Bon', from authors Primlarp Wasuwat and Komgrit Chukiatmar, for sale at Pondmegastore!

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