Tall Sweetflag Acorus Calmus Varigata Live Pond Plants– Pond Megastore

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Variegated Sweetflag, (Acorus Calamus)

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$19.95 Sale 57%


Variegated Sweetflag (Acorus Calamus) or Variegated Sweet Flag will brighten the edges of your pond or bog area with its stunning, aromatic, variegated foliage, and upright habitat with lively, variegated stripes in shades of cream and green. Great for mass planting, on the edges of your pond, lake or stream bed to soften rockery and on borders of your water garden. Variegated foliage adds gentle movement on breezy days! Variegated Sweetflag grows to 30 inches tall in full sun to part shade. Also an edible herb! Sweet flag is one of the most highly recommended plants for height, and will not overtake a pond. 

Height  Grows 24 - 30 inches tall

Width  18 - 24 inch Spread (spreads slowly, easy to maintain)

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements  Moist soil with up to 4 inches of water above the roots

Zone  Hardy in zones 5 - 10



Plant in moist, loam soil with up to 4 inches of water at the roots (deeper depths is for established plants) in full sun to part shade. Flat, iris-like foliage spreads slowly by branching, creeping rhizomes. Very easy to grow! Great as a pond plant, a border plant or as a container plant. Great for naturalizing! Deer resistant foliage is hardy in zones 5 - 10

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