Forget Me Nots, Blue / Aquatic Winter Hardy/Shade loving– Pond Megastore

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Forget Me Nots, Blue / Aquatic
Winter Hardy/Shade loving

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$10.50 Sale 19%


 Forget Me Nots (Myosotis scorpioides)

Aquatic, blue Forget Me Nots (Myosotis scorpioides) have tiny, sweet, blue blooms and delightful, airy, green foliage. Forget Me Nots grow beautifully in containers or baskets at the base of a waterfall, on stream beds or at the edge of a pond to soften the rockery. These heavenly- hued beauties are one of the prettiest plants for your pond! Myosotis scorpioides can grow in or out of the water as long as they are well watered and not in full sun through the summer.

Height 6  - 10 inches Tall

Width 12  - 18 inch spread 

Sunlight Requirements Part sun to full shade

Moisture Requirements Moist soil

Bloom Time Blooms from spring until frost

Fertilize Once a month

Zone  4 - 8   (Not great for the hot southern sunny areas)


Plant in moist, loamy soil or with roots in shallow water (small, fabric planting containers are a great option) in part sun to full shade. Place containers in the pond with up to one inch of water above the top of the pot. You may plant directly in the soil of your bog area. Easily reseeds in soil and blooms all summer long until frost! For-get-me-nots are only one of many delightful plants for your pond!

We recommend and sell Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for all of your aquatic pond plants.

Myosotis scorpioides, is listed as an illegal invasive species in CT, MA, & WI Please do not order this item to those states as we will substitute it for a legal plant.
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