Microbe-Lift Sludge Away: choose size
Microbe-Lift Sludge Away is an incredible product that is organic and microbial based, and the ingredients are 100% active. It readily speeds up the removal of organic sludge from the bottom of your pond, helping to improve pond clarity. It disperses quickly and is safe for fish, pets, plants and the environment.
As organic solids accumulate on the bottom of your pond, they release toxic gasses as they break down. These gasses are a danger to fish, plants and marine life. Microbe-Lift Sludge Away will accelerate the breakdown of this sludge and help to avoid this gas from being released into your pond water. The oxygen demand is higher at this time so make sure your pond is sufficiently aerated throughout this process. Microbe-Lift Sludge Away removes muck and sludge quickly and naturally and up to 80% faster than competitive products!
Microbe-Lift Sludge Away may temporarily discolor your water but the color will dissipate within a week or two and pond water will return to normal. The color is harmless to plant and fish or any aquatic life in the pond as well as humans and animals. The color is due to the type of bacteria used to biodegrade the debris and sludge. The bacteria has to solubilize the sludge before it can be biodegraded.
32 oz treats a 500 gallon pond for 6.5 weeks