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Aeration (1)
Algaecide or Preventatives (8)
All Waterlilies For Sale (109)
Annual Water Lilies (44)
Beneficial Bacteria for ponds (9)
Brilliant / Deep Red Lotus (2)
Buy Medium Height Lotus Varieties (7)
Buy Tadpoles and Pond Snails (6)
Category Bundle (0)
Champion Waterlilies (76)
Chloramine & Ammonia Removers (0)
Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies (6)
Day Blooming Water Lily (60)
Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies (14)
Easy Choices for Beginners (40)
Emergent Pond Plants (16)
Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies (9)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus (4)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale (4)
Fall & Winterizing Items (4)
Featured Products (9)
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses (7)
Fish Foods (1)
Floating & Submerged Plants (17)
Floating Pond Plants (17)
Flocculants (1)
Grows to the Surface - Appears to Float (7)
Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies (37)
Items currently out of stock & special order items (4)
Koi & Fish Medicine (2)
Koi and Pond Fish for sale (15)
Koi Pond & Water Garden Gifts (0)
Liner & Building Supply (0)
Lotus Plants / Lotus Flowers, <br> (20)
Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies (40)
Micro, Dwarf & Small lotus for sale (5)
Midlevel pond plants 4-12 inches deep. (50)
Native Bog Plants (North America) (37)
Native Plants & Arrowheads, water garden plants (40)
Nets & Gloves (2)
Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars (64)
Water Lilies for Natural & Earth Bottom Ponds (46)
Waterlilies for Earthen natural ponds (38)
White Lotus Flowers (1)
Yellow or Green Lotus for Sale (3)
Below $20
$20 - $35
$35 - $50
$50 - $125
Above $125
Taro Plants
Taros are incredible foliage plants, some can overwinter in zone 7 and all can be grown through winter as houseplants in a sunny south facing window or dried as tubers after the first frost. They can grow 2 to 5 feet tall depending on variety and how hot it is. They love nice heavy loam soil and steady fertilizer. Baskets, Fabric Bags, or streams with the smallest pea gravel (no larger) are great for growth. They need warm warm weather.
Aeration (1)
Algaecide or Preventatives (8)
All Waterlilies For Sale (109)
Annual Water Lilies (44)
Beneficial Bacteria for ponds (9)
Brilliant / Deep Red Lotus (2)
Buy Medium Height Lotus Varieties (7)
Buy Tadpoles and Pond Snails (6)
Category Bundle (0)
Champion Waterlilies (76)
Chloramine & Ammonia Removers (0)
Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies (6)
Day Blooming Water Lily (60)
Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies (14)
Easy Choices for Beginners (40)
Emergent Pond Plants (16)
Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies (9)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus (4)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale (4)
Fall & Winterizing Items (4)
Featured Products (9)
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses (7)
Fish Foods (1)
Floating & Submerged Plants (17)
Floating Pond Plants (17)
Flocculants (1)
Grows to the Surface - Appears to Float (7)
Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies (37)
Items currently out of stock & special order items (4)
Koi & Fish Medicine (2)
Koi and Pond Fish for sale (15)
Koi Pond & Water Garden Gifts (0)
Liner & Building Supply (0)
Lotus Plants / Lotus Flowers, <br> (20)
Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies (40)
Micro, Dwarf & Small lotus for sale (5)
Midlevel pond plants 4-12 inches deep. (50)
Native Bog Plants (North America) (37)
Native Plants & Arrowheads, water garden plants (40)
Nets & Gloves (2)
Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars (64)
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Plant Description Black Taro (Colocasia) is one of the most exotic looking plants you will find anywhere in the world! Very large, oily-black, fluted elephant ears add drama when planted in containers and placed on the patio, as a focal point in your pond, or in rows along a driveway...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Tea Cup Taro Plant Description Tea Cup Taro or Teacup Taro is a statuesque and stately plant in the landscape or in containers on your deck or patio! Beautifully shaped, glossy, green leaves are 'cup' shaped and look so very pretty! Tea cup Taro puts on a show rain or...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Plant Description Mojito Taro is magnificent with large, green leaves that are splashed and spattered with spectacular patterns over the leaf, adding drama to any area of your yard, landscape or water feature! Mojito Taro is a striking and unusual plant that adds an element of surprise with the...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Plant Description Imperial Taro has sensational, showy foliage with large, Smokey-charcoal colored leaves and spectacular lime-green veining. Imperial Taro is quite impressive and exotic-looking! Imperial Taro grows to 36 inches tall and can easily be wintered indoors as a houseplant. Large, exotic leaves with green veining give this plant a unique and...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Plant Description White Lava Taro or Colocasia, has wide, creamy-white centers that spill down the center of the rich, emerald-green leaves of these amazing taro. Large, green leaves have a shiny appearance and amazing markings, including the large violet-purple dot that marks the spot where the leaf attaches to the...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
$25.00 - $375.00
Great For Plants! Easy to use! Pond Tabbs Aqauatic Plant Fertilizer Tablets Pond Tabbs Aqauatic Plant Fertilizer Tabs Fertilizer tablets for waterlilies, lotus and almost all other aquatic plants! Fast-acting fertilizer tabs that allow their nutrients to go to work quickly, giving plants a strong start and a healthy diet...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Plant Description Red Leaf Bog Lily Beautiful, Red Leaf Bog Lily, 'Crinum', has stunning, deep red-maroon, lance-like foliage and magnificent, bright-pink blooms all season long, summer to fall. Considered an annual in the north, this plant is a little more cold hardy than most bog lilies. Red Leaf Bog Lily grows 1...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Plant Description Blue Hawaii Taro (Colocasia) is one of the most beautiful taro on the market! Bold and exciting, large, green leaves are marked with bluish-purple veining. Blue Hawaii Taro is simply spectacular! Great when used as a single focal point as the centerpiece for your pond, beautiful in containers...
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Inferno - New Taro - Elephant Ear!For Spring & Summer Shipping, Inferno!3-4 feet Tall , watch the hot pink explode as the dark black taro starts to reach maturity. As in most Taro with center colors this one sports its central colors around two feet tall and taller so be...