Red Leaf Bog Lily (Crinum Menehune)– Pond Megastore

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Red Leaf Bog Lily (Crinum Menehune)

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

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Red Leaf Bog Lily

Beautiful, Red Leaf Bog Lily, 'Crinum', has stunning, deep red-maroon, lance-like foliage and magnificent, bright-pink blooms all season long, summer to fall. Considered an annual in the north, this plant is a little more cold hardy than most bog lilies. Red Leaf Bog Lily grows 1 - 3 ft tall with a 1 foot, or wider spread. Red Leaf Bog Lily attracts hummingbirds and butterflies and adds an exotic look to your water garden setting!

Height       Grows 1 - 2 feet tall or taller

Width         Spread is 1 foot spread or wider 

Sunlight Requirements   Grows well in full sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements  Moist soil to wet with up to 6 inches of water above the roots of established                                            plants

Zone            Hardy in zones 8 - 12, overwinter indoors north of there

Plant Red Leaf Bog Lily or 'Crinum' in a container, using heavy loam soil, place container in shallow water in your pond  in full to part sun.  Keep soil moist and make sure to keep the crown of the plant above the water. Also great for naturalizing in bog areas in the south, as long as you are able to keep soil moist. 

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