Buy Anacharis, Elodea the oxygenating pond plants on sale– Pond Megastore

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Anacharis (Elodea)
Sold by the bunch,

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Anacharis Elodea Plants

Anacharis (Elodea) is an oxygenating plant that grows beneath the surface of the water with narrow green leaves on long green stems. Anacharis is sold in bunches. Anacharis helps in algae elimination by competing for the same nutrients that algae needs to thrive, while adding oxygen to the water. There are multiple forms of Anacharis. We now sell the most cold tolerant variety and the only native to north america which is elodea . 



  Anacharis stems can be planted in the substrate or planted in small containers, using sand, small gravel. They can also be anchored with small weights. Anacharis is one of the very best pond plants that helps to eliminate algae as well as adding oxygen to the water. You can also plant cuttings from anacharis (elodea plants) to multiply the oxygenating benefits.

Native Anacharis plants can be sent to all 50 states, note the native anacharis is still very agressive but a narrower plant than the invasive non native elodea anacharis (December 2019)

Note there is a similar plant, Anacharis Najas-- along with many other great submerged oxygenators that are legal and more winter hardy.

Vallisneria which is legal, is more cold tolerant, and better at nutrient uptake than Anacharis.




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