Coral Sky - Pink Waterlily Excellent Bloomer– Pond Megastore

Coral Sky - Pink Waterlily
Excellent Bloomer

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Coral Sky Tropical Waterlily

Plant Description

Coral Sky Pink Tropical Waterlily boasts beautiful blooms in a rich shade of bright-pink on this heavy blooming waterlily. The spread on Coral Sky Tropical Waterlily is medium to large. Plant in a sunny spot in a 3 to 5 gallon container with heavy loam soil. This striking, pink waterlily requires 72 degree water or better and blooms as long as it is kept fertilized (use 5 - 6  aquatic fertilizer tablets monthly) and Coral Sky Tropical Waterlily will bloom nonstop. Tropical Waterlilies bloom beautifully in the north and the south--in the north, they are considered annuals.

Planting Instructions

Plant your Coral Sky Tropical Waterlily in a wide, shallow container (3 - 5 gallon) using heavy loam soil. Place your Coral Sky Waterlily 6 - 18 inches beneath the surface of the water in full sun. Fertilize with a slow release, aquatic fertilizer like Landon Granular Fertilizer OR Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs + Humates. Follow dosing directions.

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