Mosaic Plant (Ludwigia sedioides)
- Description
Mosaic Plant is a true annual or tropical plant that needs very warm water to grow properly along with long days of light, minimum water temp, 72F degree water. Great for hot sunny summers, loves calm water!
Mosaic Plant has beautiful mosaics in shades of red and green, that form rosettes that seem to 'float' magnificently upon the surface of the water. Mosaic Plant does wonderfully in calm, still water in most of the USA during hot summer months (Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, you name it) but is difficult to overwinter in central Florida. Long days and very warm weather are required. Simply beautiful when planted at the edge of a pond or in a container garden.
Height Grows to the surface of the water
Width Spreads across the surface of the water (Slow growth, can spread 1 foot per month)
Sunlight Requirements Full sunlight (12+ hours per day)
Moisture Needs Must be planted in calm, warm water, will perish in temperatures below 72 degrees F
Bloom Time Inconsequential blooms
Fertilize Add 1/2 a fertilizer tab to the soil June through August
Zone Hardy in zones 11-12 (will do fine as an annual in the north as long as temperatures are warm)
Plant your Mosaic plant in heavy loam soil in a container that is at least 4 inches in diameter. Place the planted Mosaic plant plant in the pond or container in shallow (up to 12 inches deep) water. Make sure the Mosaic plant will receive at least 12 hours of sunlight per day. The Mosaics multiply quickly in the right conditions (full sun and warm water) and should be fertilized with 1/2 strength recommended dosage during the summer months. A unique and fascinating addition at the edge of the pond or in a container garden.