Purple Joy Water Lily Buy on Sale– Pond Megastore

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Purple Joy Water Lily

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$55.00 Sale 36%

Purple Joy Waterlily is SPECTACULAR! This two-tone, tropical waterlily is a delightful waterlily with crisp-white at the base of the petals while petal tips are drenched in exquisite shades of purple,
A beautiful and elegant combination of color.  
Purple Joy Waterlily beautifully adds visual impact to your pond or water garden.
Purple Joy Waterlily is an award winning specimen and was hybridized by Award Winning Hybridizer and Business Woman, Ao Weerada of Bu Fah Garden in Thailand.
Purple Joy Tropical Waterlily is a vigorous grower with prolific blooms! Annual waterlilies need very warm water (65 degrees Fahrenheit for nighttime temps and 75 - 80 degrees and above for daytime temps) as well as lots of sunlight to grow and bloom.



Plant Purple Joy Waterlily in a large container (2 gallon or larger) using heavy loam soil and place    1 - 2 feet beneath the surface of the water, in full sun with at least 5+ hours of sun each day. Fertilize throughout the growing/blooming season.
We recommend and sell Landon Granular Fertilizer and Waterlily World Pond Tabs for optimum plant growth and best bloom!

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