Izia Small Dwarf Hardy Water Lily Pygmy Live Pond Plants– Pond Megastore

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Izia Small Dwarf Hardy Water Lily

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
IZIA , New Winter Hardy Waterlily, Shipping Spring & Summer months

Izia is a new Yellow winter hardy waterlily from France. With a longer blooming time than Helvola and higher petal count it is an improvement in the selection of small waterlily choices for ponds or tub gardens. 

Winter hardy in all planting zones, please do not plant this plant with stones above the small tender rhizomes as it is very delicate. Use only loam sandy topsoil and leave the small crown exposed to the sun above the mud. Fertilizer with waterlily world pond tablets on the first and 15th of each month though the growing season. Two to four tablets are sufficiet and 6 hours of direct unobstructed sun are best for good blooming. 

Izia does well planted shallowly from as little as three inches below the water line to 15 inches below the water line. 

A small 8 to 16 inch wide container would be fine for this plant. The wider the plant the more flowers and rhizomes you can have in your display.
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