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Please view the 'Information & Guides' section for planting information on all water garden plants, instruction videos, and shipping information. It is important you choose your state when you enter our store the first time & the site will automatically hide any invasive species not allowed by law in your state. Use the Contact us button on top the site to ask us anything!
Aeration (1)
Algaecide or Preventatives (8)
All Waterlilies For Sale (109)
Annual Water Lilies (45)
Beneficial Bacteria for ponds (9)
Brilliant / Deep Red Lotus (2)
Buy Medium Height Lotus Varieties (8)
Buy Tadpoles and Pond Snails (6)
Category Bundle (0)
Champion Waterlilies (77)
Chloramine & Ammonia Removers (0)
Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies (6)
Day Blooming Water Lily (63)
Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies (14)
Easy Choices for Beginners (40)
Emergent Pond Plants (16)
Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies (9)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus (4)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale (5)
Fall & Winterizing Items (4)
Featured Products (9)
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses (7)
Fish Foods (1)
Floating & Submerged Plants (17)
Floating Pond Plants (17)
Flocculants (1)
Grows to the Surface - Appears to Float (8)
Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies (39)
Items currently out of stock & special order items (4)
Koi & Fish Medicine (2)
Koi and Pond Fish for sale (15)
Koi Pond & Water Garden Gifts (0)
Liner & Building Supply (0)
Lotus Plants / Lotus Flowers, <br> (20)
Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies (39)
Micro, Dwarf & Small lotus for sale (5)
Midlevel pond plants 4-12 inches deep. (48)
Native Bog Plants (North America) (35)
Native Plants & Arrowheads, water garden plants (39)
Nets & Gloves (2)
Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars (63)
Water Lilies for Natural & Earth Bottom Ponds (46)
Waterlilies for Earthen natural ponds (38)
White Lotus Flowers (2)
Yellow or Green Lotus for Sale (4)
Below $20
$20 - $35
$35 - $50
$50 - $125
Above $125
White Lotus Flowers
Sacred Lotus Flowers
Lotus cannot be shipped after May.
- Lotus are grown from dormant Tubers. Disturbing a lotus during the growing season can kill the plant (the hollow runners breathe air and breaking runners kills the lotus plant) - Vegetative reproduction is the only way to genetically keep a hybrid true to name.
Each February the tubers are harvested at the Lotus farm, cleaned & sterilized and set in a giant commercial refrigerator. We ship lotus on a first come first serve basis. Your lotus may come early but is easily kept in the refrigerator until proper planting time (about 50 at night and 75 to 85 in the day). They are shallow, full sun aquatic plants requiring as large a pot as you can provide.
Aeration (1)
Algaecide or Preventatives (8)
All Waterlilies For Sale (109)
Annual Water Lilies (45)
Beneficial Bacteria for ponds (9)
Brilliant / Deep Red Lotus (2)
Buy Medium Height Lotus Varieties (8)
Buy Tadpoles and Pond Snails (6)
Category Bundle (0)
Champion Waterlilies (77)
Chloramine & Ammonia Removers (0)
Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies (6)
Day Blooming Water Lily (63)
Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies (14)
Easy Choices for Beginners (40)
Emergent Pond Plants (16)
Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies (9)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus (4)
Exquisite of Bowl Lotus for Sale (5)
Fall & Winterizing Items (4)
Featured Products (9)
Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses (7)
Fish Foods (1)
Floating & Submerged Plants (17)
Floating Pond Plants (17)
Flocculants (1)
Grows to the Surface - Appears to Float (8)
Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies (39)
Items currently out of stock & special order items (4)
Koi & Fish Medicine (2)
Koi and Pond Fish for sale (15)
Koi Pond & Water Garden Gifts (0)
Liner & Building Supply (0)
Lotus Plants / Lotus Flowers, <br> (20)
Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies (39)
Micro, Dwarf & Small lotus for sale (5)
Midlevel pond plants 4-12 inches deep. (48)
Native Bog Plants (North America) (35)
Native Plants & Arrowheads, water garden plants (39)
Nets & Gloves (2)
Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars (63)
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
Caiyun /Green Clouds #13 Lotus Plant Description Green Clouds #13 Lotus is ONE OF OUR VERY BEST BLOOMERS! Beautiful, fresh, ever-so-pale-yellow, multi-petal flowers bloom all summer long! Bloom color is almost creamy-white 1st day blooms have just a whisper of pink over the petals. Green Clouds has creamy-white, ruffled petals that surround a green receptacle....
Reserve Live Pond Plants Water Lillies & Lotus For Spring & Summer Today
White Sacred Lotus exudes peace and calmness. The name Sacred Lotus refers to a type of lotus flower, not a particular variety. White Sacred Lotus are usually white or pink & white single petal lotus varieties. The White Sacred Lotus is revered in many countries throughout the world, often symbolizing the seat of Buddha and many Hindu deities. It...