Blue Lotus of the Nile|Cerulea Lotus |Sacred Flower Lotus Tubers For Sale– Pond Megastore

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Cerulea Water Lily
Blue Lotus of the Nile
Ships June 1 2025, Live Plant!

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Out of stock

We will have some plants for 2025 and are taking pre-orders now. We may have about 20-40 more if these end up selling out.  

Cerulea Waterlily (Also known as the Egyptian Blue Lotus/Blue Lotus of the Nile). Cerulea Waterlily is a striking, light-blue waterlily once worshipped by the Egyptians. Also known as the Sacred Blue Lilly of the Nile, Cerulea tropical waterlily, has had an amazing history.

It is known partially for its psychedelic flowers and possible aphrodisiac properties. 

The stunning, stellate blooms on the Cerulea Waterlily are light-blue and held high above the water's surface and above the solid green pads.



Plant your Cerulea Waterlily in large, wide, shallow containers using heavy loam soil and place 1-2 feet beneath the surface of the water, in full sun.

Fertilize with Landon Granular Fertilizer or Waterlily World Pond Tabs.

Fun Fact The Caerulea Waterlily was known as 'The Egyptian Blue Lotus' and as the 'Blue Lily of the Nile'. This waterlily was not only carved into almost every monument in ancient Egypt-- but carved into ancient Egyptian history, culture and mythology as well. Cerulea Waterlily is from the genus Nymphaea and was revered by the Ancient Egyptians and was considered the most sacred of plants.

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