Snow Lady (NEW)! Medium Hardy Waterlily!– Pond Megastore

Snow Lady (NEW)!
Medium Hardy Waterlily!

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
SNOW LADY! What an amazing new cultivar from our friends in Thailand! Introduced here first in North America in February 2023. Snow Lady is a beautiful full double petal white medium size hardy lily with soft pink lower petals at the edges. Green pads and a spread of only three to four feet for the first two years makes this wonderful in almost any size garden. 

Plant at six to fourteen inches deep in full direct sunlight for best blooming in our 15" wide fabric waterlily pot specially constructed for underwater plants. 

Use 4 to 6 waterlily world fertilizer tablets twice a month all spring and summer for continuous blooms and divide the waterlilies regularly as necessary so they continue to flower! Remember they need space, fertilizer, and direct sunlight for daily blooms!
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