Trudy Slocum Water Lily
Evening blooming
- Description
Trudy Slocum Annual Waterlily is a splendid, HEAVY BLOOMING, night blooming waterlily with large, flat , paper-white flowers, strong fragrance and very large emerald green leaves that are scalloped.
An exquisite combination!
Flowers are held high above the surface of the water and open at dusk and stay open a little later in the morning, while you are enjoying a second cup of coffee!
Trudy Slocum Waterlily is a truly lovely specimen with a 4 - 6 foot spread. Trudy Slocum Night Blooming Tropical Waterlily blooms all summer long!
Plant this wonderful, white, night bloomer in a large container (2 - 7 gallons or larger) in heavy loam soil and place 6 - 24 inches beneath the surface of the water.
Fertilize during the growing/blooming season.
We recommend Landon Granular Fertilizer OR Waterlily World Pond Tabs for best bloom and optimum growth.