Giant Papyrus Pond Plants, Cyperus papyrus paper– Pond Megastore

Giant Dwarf Papyrus ❤️Customer Favorite!❤️

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Giant Dwarf Papyrus is an EXCELLENT pond plant that brings an exotic feel to your pond or patio! This SHOWY pond plant has unusual, mop-like seed heads on top of strong, thick, triangular stems. Fantastic in your pond as a focal point or at the edge of your pond to soften the rockery. Giant Dwarf Papyrus is great in containers on your deck, terrace or flower bed as well! Keep soil evenly moist when planting in terrestrial gardens. Grows well in full sun to part sun, grows 14 - 20 inches tall with a 2 foot spread. ALWAYS A CUSTOMER FAVORITE! Giant Dwarf Papyrus is considered an annual in the north--Grows beautifully throughout the summer months! 

Height  Grows 14 - 20 inches tall

Width  24 inch spread

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements Moist soil or up to 4 inches of water above the soil in the pond

Fertilize  Once a month with Fertilizer Tabs for pond plants (June through August)

Zone Hardy in zones 8 - 12


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