Primrose Creeper– Pond Megastore

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Primrose Creeper

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
Primrose Creeper, (Ludwigia inclinata) is a showy, low growing plant which grows both submersed and emerged in shallow water and marshy areas. This plant does well in bog filtration pond plant areas, it sports ovate, green leaves similar to other Ludwigia species when grown as a bog plant. When submerged, this plant develops long, narrow leaves marbled with red and orange highlights. Beautiful yellow flowers non-stop throughout the summer months.

Primrose Creeper | Ludwigia Cuba (Ludwigia inclinata var. Cuba)
Light Requirements: Full sun to part shade
Spreads easily, suggest planting in a 7 inch pot at waters surface to 2 inches deep. Plant in heavy loam soil and never in anything from a bag or in stones or pebbles. plants need real soil and silt for proper uptake of nutrients and growing. 

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