Water Mimosa or SENSITIVE PLANT (Neptunia aquatica) neptunia orlacea edible stirfry– Pond Megastore

Water mimosa
The Sensitive Plant!
Touch & she closes up instantly!

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Water Mimosa or Sensitive Plant or Neptunia oleracea

Sensitive Plant or Neptunia oleracea is a  lovely, tropical, floating plant that floats on the surface of the water producing small, yellow flowers on the leafy fronds of foliage. Sensitive Plant is an aquatic pond plant that grows from a stem, producing cover for fish and helps to eliminate algae as they compete for the same nutrients in the water. The root of the Sensitive Plant may be planted to anchor it to the side of the pond or in a  stream bed or simply placed on the surface of your pond and floated. (Neptunia aquatica/oleracea)


Height Grows 3 - 5 inches tall

Width May grow as long as 6 feet by the end of summer

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade

Bloom Flowers bloom all summer long until frost

Moisture Needs Must be placed in water and may not dry out

Fertilize Not necessary

Zone 10 -  11


Pondmegastore Tip: Often used in Asian cuisine 

Read more about edible pond plants on this page.

This plant is often called Neptunia Aquatica but the proper name is Neptunia Oleracea. Belonging to the same family of plants as legumes, the plant is beneficial to other pond plants by adding nitrogen back to the pond. 
(Minimum 3 plants)

Fascinating Fact! The leaves of this plant are 'sensitive' and curl inward when touched. Plant returns to normal in a few minutes.


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