CATTAIL, GRACEFUL (Typha laxmannii) Live Plants– Pond Megastore

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Graceful Cattail (typha)
4-6' Tall Cat-O-Nine Tail

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$9.95 Sale 20%

Graceful Cattails are a lovely addition to your water garden setting! Also known as cat tails, cat tail plant, cat 'o nine tails or bulrush, Graceful Cattails gently sway in the breeze as they add authenticity to any pond setting. Graceful Cattails grows 4 - 5 feet tall and blooms in mid-summer with attractive brown catkins following the bloom period in late summer to early fall. Foliage is stalk-like with flat, reed-like leaves and spread by runner. This dwarf cattail is a popular pond plant for ponds, lakes, and naturalizing in wetlands. It is only one of the many pond plants for sale at PondMegastore!

Graceful Cattail, is much better option at 4 to 5 feet tall rather than typha latifolia (common cattail) which can grow to over 8 or 10 feet tall and is quite invasive. Other common names include candle wick, cossack asparagus, cat-o-nine-tails. 

Height  60 inches tall

Width 18 - 24 inch spread 

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to full shade

Moisture Requirements Very moist soil to shallow water about 6 inches maximum depth

Bloom Time Blooms in summer forms brown catkins after bloom period

Zone 4 - 11


Plant your Graceful Cattails in heavy loam soil using a very large container or directly in the soil of  a natural bottom pond. Grows 4 - 5 feet tall and spread by runner (keep contained if you do not want large areas taken by Graceful Cattail, as it does spread). Grows well in moist soil to shallow water with 1 - 10 inches of water over the top of the container or over the roots of the plants. Grows in full sun to part shade. A great pond plant for wetlands, marshes and bogs as well!

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