Dwarf Papyrus Great for All Ponds– Pond Megastore

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Dwarf Papyrus
Great for All Ponds

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Dwarf Papyrus or Cyperus Haspan, is an excellent pond plant that adds a nice accent to your water garden feature. Dwarf Papyrus has feathery, frilly, mop tops that appear on slender, long, green stems on these fabulous, viviparous, pond plants. Dwarf Papyrus adds texture and interest as well as an unusual look, adding a hint of the tropics to your water garden setting!  Dwarf Papyrus grows 18 - 24 inches tall with a 12 - 18 inch spread. Dwarf Papyrus looks great in planters or in moist soil in your bog area. Considered an annual in the north and will overwinter indoors as a houseplant with enough light! This interesting, aquatic pond plant looks great in summer water gardens throughout the USA!


Height  15 - 22 inches tall

Width  12 - 18 inch spread

Sunlight Requirements  Full Sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements  Moist soil or 2 - 4 inches of water above the soil  

Fertilize Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs, Once a month, June through August

Zone  Hardy in zones 8 - 12 



Plant this aquatic pond plant in the ground or in 8 inch containers, or larger, in moist, loamy soil, in full sun to part shade. This plant is viviparous and new plants sprout from the tops of plants! Plant in containers or fabric planting bags and place on the shelf or ledge of your pond with 2 - 4 inches  of water above the top of the pot ( deeper depths is for established plants). 

*Use Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs for all of your aquatic pond plants! 

Pond Megastore Tip Early Egyptians used Papyrus to make the first form of paper dating back to 3000 B.C. Egyptian Papyrus once grew wild along the banks of the Nile.

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