Acadian Miss, Louisiana Iris
Acadian Miss Louisiana Iris is softly scented and has dazzling, ruffled, white petals with yellow-green signals atop handsome, green sword-like foliage. Acadian Miss Louisiana Iris is such a lovely addition to any water garden setting. Grows to 28 inches tall, so be sure to place it behind shorter varieties. Acadian Miss Louisiana Iris prefers moist soil or shallow water ( up to 3 inches of water above the roots) and grows well in bogs, stream beds and at the edge of ponds or lakes. Blooms early or late spring, depending on zone.
Louisiana Iris were originally found throughout the southern parts of the United States where they do exceptionally well. However, they are now grown throughout the world!
Height Mature plants grow to 22-28 inches tall
Width 12 - 18 inch (Mature clumps of iris can spread to three feet)
Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade
Moisture Requirements The Louisiana Iris needs soil that is consistently wet, may be grown in moist, boggy soil or shallow water
Blooms Blooms early or late spring, depending on zone
Planting Time The best time to plant your Louisiana Iris is in May - June OR August - September (Planting in May or June will affect this years bloom)
Dividing Dividing your iris is best done in August, September or October (although Louisiana Iris may be planted or divided anytime in Florida). Divide Louisiana Iris every 2 - 3 years, as needed.
Bloom Time Blooms in early or late Spring
Fertilize Add rich, organic compost to the flower bed or Pond Tabs when placed in the pond. Fertilize on the 1st and 15th of every month during growing season. We recommend and sell WaterlilyWorld Fertilizer for best bloom and optimum growth! Get robust plants and the best blooms!
Zone Hardy in zones 6 - 12
Planting Instructions
When planting in your terrestrial garden, plant your Louisiana Iris shallowly--with about 1/4th of an inch of soil over the rhizome, pointed end up, roots down, in moist soil and full sun to part shade. Add some rich organic compost material to the soil. Water well when planting and when soil starts to dry out. Prefers an inch of water per week and does well at the edge of your pond, in stream beds or bog areas where it will receive moisture and plenty of sunlight. Mulch during the winter months with pine needles and/or straw to help keep soil moist and to prevent winter damage to rhizomes. Remove mulch in the spring.
Divide your Louisiana Iris in late summer to early fall.
When placing Louisiana Iris in the pond--your container should be at least 10 inches in diameter. Use heavy loam soil which is a mix of 2/3 top soil and 1/3 pool filter sand. Simply purchase a bag of topsoil at Lowe's or Home Depot and purchase Pool Filter Sand wherever pool supplies are sold. Mix 2/3 topsoil and 1/3 Pool Filter Sand to produce heavy loam soil. When placing your iris in the pond, skip the organic compost and fertilize instead with WaterlilyWorld Fertilizer . Allow up to 3 inches of water above the top of your container in the pond and place where your iris will receive at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Spreads by rhizome division.
Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs may be pressed into the soil of the containers when your Louisiana Iris are placed in shallow water in the pond.