Aonubon Pink Water Lily |Water Lily Plants For Sale– Pond Megastore

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Aonubon Night Blooming Waterlily New 2025

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$45.00 Sale 28%

Aonubon Waterlily - new night-blooming waterlily with a touch of lavender in deep pink! A wonderful new hybrid from hybridizer Primlarp Wasuwat of Thailand. 

Medium to large this evening, the blooming exciting new cultivar is exquisite and readily available from Pond Megastore Nurseries. Plant in a 2 to 4-gallon pot in shallow water 6 to 20 inches deep in full sun and fertilize twice a month during the growing season for continual flowers. three to five-foot spread of dinner plate size lily pads, medium red, surround the flowers, opening a little after dusk and staying open well into each morning given adequate sun and fertilizer. Aonubon is the first of its kind for a night bloomer with this lavender tone in its color. 

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