Maha TreasureNEW Hardy Waterlily! Very Good Bloomer!– Pond Megastore

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Maha Treasure
NEW Hardy Waterlily!
Very Good Bloomer!

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$45.00 Sale 44%
Maha Treasure Waterlily or 'Mahasombat' is an award winning hardy Red Waterlily from Thailand. 

A medium to large lily that can have a spread of 3.5 to 5 feet across and often with multiple flowers. Grow in a very wide 15 inch fabric aquatic grow pot and fertilize with 4 waterlily world tablets every two weeks during growing season and you can have flowers almost every day. 

Requirements; Full direct sun, 6 hours minimum for blooming. Loam topsoil with minimal to no compost (just dirt) Does best at a depth of 5 to 15 inches measured from Rhizomes on top of the soil to waters surface but can handle depths to 2.5 feet or more. Divide in spring annually for best blooming in a 15 inch wide container.
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