Torch of Bali Hardy Water Lily– Pond Megastore

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Torch of Bali Hardy Water Lily

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

Torch of Bali is a new Hardy Water Lily, though a cross between a normal hardy water lily and a tropical water lily to create what is called an intersubgeneric ISG waterlily. These are hardy to around plant Zone 6 and should be kept in shallow, sunny spots in winter about a foot deep for best results. They come up later in spring than fully genetic hardy water lilies. They require a little more care, often more fertilizer, a larger pot and dividing more often but the flowers are more spectacular. 

This plant does great in earth-bottom ponds, it blooms early in the day. It also is an incredibly heavy bloomer. We recommend planting 6 to 14 inches below the waterline and using 4 to 6 fertilizer tablets on the 1st and 15th of each month during the growing season. A 15 to 24 inch pot is recommended for this incredible plant. It is fast growing and has a spread of 5 to 6 feet. 

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