Buy Mottled Beauty Japanese Pond Iris laevigata– Pond Megastore

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Mottled Beauty Iris Laevigata
Plants Ship Spring

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.
$20.95 Sale 53%

Mottled Beauty Iris Laevigata has scrumptious, six petaled blooms that are spattered with china-blue speckles. Style arms are white with a lavender-blue mid-vein line. Attractive, medium green, sword-like foliage. A striking plant in your bog area or water garden feature. Mottled Beauty Iris grows to 24 inches tall and blooms in early or late spring, depending on zone.

Height Grows to 24 inches tall

Width  18 inch spread

Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade (blooms best in full sun)

Moisture Requirements Moist soil to 3 inches of water above the rhizome 

Bloom Blooms in spring

Divide  Divide your iris every 2 - 3 years, as needed, in late summer or early fall

Zone Hardy in zones 4 - 12



Plant your Mottled Beauty Iris in moist soil or up to 3 inches of water above the roots. In terrestrial gardens, Iris do best in full sun and bloom better in full sun as well. Dig holes twice as large as the rhizome and add compost, plant with pointed end up and roots pointing down. Water after planting and keep soil slightly moist during hot, dry spells. Divide every 2 - 3 years, as needed. Divide your iris in late summer or early fall.

For placement in the pond, use one gallon containers or larger, using heavy loam soil, place in full sun with up to three inches of water over the top of the pot. Fertilize with slow release fertilizer tabs, once a month, June through August. Also great as bog plants or or bog filters! 

*Extra large fabric planters or large planting baskets work beautifully for pond plants-- as these containers allow your plants roots access to oxygen in the water!

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