Buy Hornwort, Ceratophyllum Demersum, oxygenating pond plants– Pond Megastore

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Hornwort Bunched,
Starves algae and protects fish

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 Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum) Submerged Oxygenating Pond Plant

Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum) Is a fantastic oxygenating submerged pond plant, as it helps to add oxygen to the water while also emitting a hormone to help eliminate algae. Hornwort grows well in full sun to full shade and in long, branching stems. Hornwort grows quickly and helps to clarify the water as you see in the photos, it is very easy to grow and can be tucked into the substrate at the bottom of the pond, weighted with small anchors or potted in containers with heavy loam, sand, or 1/8th inch aquarium gravel (no more significant).

Hornwort is also great for spawning or cover for small fish. This underwater oxygenating grass is the best plant to compete with algae and keep a healthy, clean pond. Other benefits include being a sanctuary for fish from predators and fish fry when young.

When you purchase Hornwort, remember to remove the rubber band before planting. These bands can harm the stem and cause the plant to float to the surface. Oxygenating pond plants, including Hornwort, release and absorb oxygen during the day at night. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that your pond, especially if it houses many fish, has sufficient circulation, either through natural or mechanical means. Oxygen levels in a pond are typically at their lowest around daybreak. Hornwort / Fanwort is undeniably the most vital plant for maintaining a balanced ecosystem free from algae. This is by far the very best oxygenating submerged pond plant for most ponds and water gardens in the united states and is legal in all fifty states. For other choices consider vallisneria torta especailly for large ponds for fishing or small ponds you want to see to the bottom and no koi or carp are present. 



Plant hornwort in the substrate on the bottom of your pond or plant in small containers using 1/8 inch pea gravel or sand. Hornwort may also be anchored with small weights.

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