Floating Pond Plant-Koi fish Barrier
(3 Sizes to choose from)
Protect floating plants from koi
Available NOW!
Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship
in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to
ship other times of the year.
Floating Pond Plant - Fish Barriers, 18" Medium, 24" Large, & 36" X-large round barriers.
18", 24", 36" Floating Pond Plant - Fish Barriers protects your plants by keeping your fish (koi) from eating them! Great for the following plants:
- Water Hyacinths
- Water Lettuce
- Salvinia
- Botswana Wonder (Giant Sensitive Plant)
- Frogbit
- Blue Jenny (Lemon Bacopa)
- Varigated Water Celery
*Please Note: Plants NOT included
Plant roots grow through the mesh of the nycon Koi-PondPlant Barrier and the ring keeps the plants afloat! This is not made for potted plants and not made for waterlilies or lotus which must be planted in soil and placed under water.
These Plant barriers last many years and are Available in , 18", 24" and 36" round sizes
Well made and made in the USA! Each Ring has a loop so it can be tied with nylon or other waterproof line or rope to a rock or brick and held in position.