Variegated Celery The BEST filtering bog plant!– Pond Megastore

Variegated Celery
The BEST filtering bog plant!

Pond Plants, Water Lilies, & Live goods ship in Spring & Summer during your proper growing seasons. Check by email for availability to ship other times of the year.

'Flamingo' Variegated Celery, also called Java Dropwort, is a perennial plant that has lovely, tri-colored aquatic foliage in shades of cream, pink and green. Grows quickly with a low growing, running spread and grows to 12 inches tall. Adorned with lovely, dainty white flowers in mid-summer, Variegated Celery winds its way throughout the rockery and spreads rapidly along the edges of streams, ponds and waterfalls and is considered one of the very best plants for water filtration and clarity. Great for bog filters! Latin name: (Oenanthe Javanica 'Flamingo')


Height  Grows 8 - 12 inches tall

Width  Spreads quickly, at least 8 - 12 inch spread

Sunlight Requirements  Full sun/ full shade (Blooms better in full sun)

Moisture Requirements  Wet, must be placed with top of pot 1 - 6 inches beneath the surface of the water

Zone  Hardy in zones 5 - 12


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