Pond Megastore

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Pond Megastore

Search Results

  1. How Do I Plant My Lotus Tuber? How Do I Plant My Lotus Tuber? Follow these steps carefully when planting your Lotus Tuber When getting ready to plant your lotus tuber, you will want to prepare your soil mixture ahead of time. Do this buy purchasing a bag of top soil and a bag of pool filter sand. Fill your container about 2/3 full with a mixture of 2/3 loam topsoil and 1/3 pool filter sand. You can purchase a bag of loam topsoil at Lowe's or Home Depot (purchase an unbranded variety as the brands like Scott's or...
  2. Pond Megastore Nurseries From Florida to Oregon THE NURSERIES Our plants are shipped from nurseries which are located in Ohio, Oregon and Florida, as well as a special lotus farm in Alabama. The northern nurseries specialize in the winter hardy varieties of plants that we sell. Hardy bog plants like Marsh Marigolds, Forget Me Nots, Water Hawthorne, as well as some of the hardy red waterlilies that don't care for extreme heat in the south. Our southern greenhouse specializes in getting our early plants ready to ship along with our tropi...
  3. Keeping Goldfish and Koi Healthy Keeping Goldfish and Koi Healthy Keeping Goldfish and Koi healthy is important to pond owners, fish breeders and dealers everywhere. We would like to give you some general information regarding how you can maintain healthy water quality for your fish, keep your fish healthy by recognizing diseases and parasites in your fish, as well as treatments for these diseases and parasites. If you are a fish dealer or breeder, it is important that you quarantine your fish for 10 days. It is advisable to...
  4. Earth Bottom Ponds Earth Bottom Ponds Earth bottom ponds can be quite beautiful and you can create an excellent ecosystem with beautiful plants that will come back year after year. Many of these plants can be planted directly in the soil on the shelves and bottom of your pond. Other plants such as lotus, or horsetail rush may be planted in pots so that you have more control over the growth or overgrowth of the plant. Depending on your geographic location, you must decide if you nee...
  5. Cool Weather Plants (that are really cool!) Cool Weather Plants Late summer and early fall are great times to work on your water garden feature. When you divide your Louisiana Iris in the fall, you insure springtime blooms. Louisiana Iris blooms come in many beautiful colors and add beauty and elegance to your pond in late spring or early summer. The green, swordlike foliage stays nice all summer long. Iris can be grown in baskets or containers in your pond, on the bank of your natural pond or streambed and is an amazing...
  6. How Do I Prepare My Pond For Spring? How Do I Prepare My Pond For Spring? We begin to ready our ponds in the spring by removing nets from the pond and moving our hardy plants up above the freeze line and positioning them in their proper places in the pond. If any debris found its way into your pond over the winter months, now is the time to clean it out. Without removal, nutrients will continue to accumulate in the pond. In early spring, we recommend that you clean the shelves of your pond. We recommend that you keep dead leave...
  7. Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs are one of the BEST products on the market to fertilize your aquatic plants. Safe for all pond fish and other pond life. Perfect for Waterlilies, Lotus and every marginal aquatic pond plant in between, Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs have the nutrition your aquatic plants need to be healthy, robust and blooming! Waterlily World Fertilizer Tabs are designed to bind with the clay particles in your loam planting soil. Waterlily Wo...
  8. Are There Any Water Garden Plants Thant Do Well In The Shade? Are there any water garden plants that do well in the shade? Yes, there are many water garden plants that do well in the shade! Here are a few. Marsh Marigold (Caltha Palustris) is a shallow water plant that will give you sunny yellow color in early spring. A perennial plant with mounding habitat and growing 1-2' tall with heart shaped green foliage and clusters of yellow flowers. Bog Bean (Menyanthes Trifoliata) Thick, woody rhizomes spread horizontally across the water sending a tr...
  9. What Is Loam Soil? What Is Loam Soil? Loam soil is a good mixture of Topsoil and Sand If you are lucky enough to have good topsoil in your backyard, by all means, use your topsoil. All you will have to do is add fertilizer. If you are not so lucky--and your backyard is sand or heavy red or yellow clay, you can mix up a batch of loam soil. You can create your own loam soil by mixing these two ingredients together 2/3 Inorganic Topsoil (Little or no organic material added) 1/3 Pool Filter Sand Mix together ...
  10. What Are The Benefits Of Fabric Planters? What Are The Benefits Of Fabric Planters? The benefits of fabric planters are listed below: Most importantly, fabric containers allow plant roots access to oxygen Easy to use Easier to ship with plants, as the bags can be folded and added to your plant order Lower shipping costs, as we can send containers in smaller boxes and fabric planters are much lighter than plastic pots Some of the benefits of fabric planters are obvious, some are not so obvious. When you allow your plants' root...
  11. What are the Pros and Cons of planting in planting baskets, fabric bags and solid, no holes containers? What are the Pros and Cons of planting in planting baskets, fabric bags and solid, no holes containers? Each of these planting containers have specific advantages and disadvantages, and are specific to each plant variety. ALL plants benefit from having their roots accessible to oxygen, and the advantages of planting baskets and fabric containers are that plant roots have access to oxygen. HOWEVER, some plants are more aggressive when it come to roots spreading. This is where solid, no holes...
  12. Easy Aussie (Australian) Waterlily Conversation (2018) By Rich Sacher This conversation was started by Waterlily Expert and Hybridizer Rich Sacher in 2018. On February 1st 2018 Rich decided to dedicate the month of February to the topic surrounding Australian waterlily varieties which are not very available to most of us and therefore are surrounded by questions for all of us not lucky to have them readily available. The topics covered range from growing the plants, hybridizing the plants, and storing the plants when dormant. Rather than being in the form of a ...
  13. Home Page 'Welcome To Our Store!' Greetings! Welcome to PONDMEGASTORE! We are excited to show you some of the beautiful plants that we grow and sell, as well as share a little information about ourselves! We have spent the last 30 years studying and growing water garden plants and have been selling water garden plants for about 20 years. It is our passion! Pond Megastore specializes not only water garden plants, but exceptional, new varieties of lilies and lotus--including native and hybrid plants. Each year, I travel aroun...
  14. What is the Difference Difference Between A Koi Pond And A Water Garden The Differences Between a Koi Pond and a Water Garden Water gardening was made famous by the artist Claude Monet, in France. One of his most famous paintings was named "Le Bassin Aux Nympheas", the beautiful, impressionistic painting of waterlilies. The idea for water gardening crossed the Atlantic in the early 1920's and became popular. Sparks of interest occurred again in the 1990's, and evolved into our water gardening industry today.There are a number of plants that can ...
  15. Questions and Answers Regarding Bullfrog Tadpoles and Bullfrogs Adding Bullfrogs To Your Pond If you would like to add some ambience to your backyard pond or water garden, just add some bullfrog tadpoles. It won't be long before you hear the mating chorus from bullfrogs throughout the spring and summer months. Bullfrogs perched on a rock at the edge of a pond or lazily sitting on a lily pad are always enjoyable to see! These voracious eaters will often cannibalize tadpoles or young frogs, so It is important that you create the right environment to att...
  16. Old Pond Megastore Catalog 2007 2007 Annual Print Catalog A little piece of history. . . In the past, we sent out printed catalogs. Price changes as well as changing availability, eventually put an end to the catalog. Seasonal items, like Lotus, were always problematic, due to the fact that they were seasonal plants and only available in the spring, January - May. Customers often wanted to purchase lotus after the season had passed. That still happens with calls and emails year round with people wanting to buy pond lot...
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