Pond Megastore

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Pond Megastore

Search Results

  1. Purple Hardy Water Lilies for Sale Pond Megastore is proud to offer the largest selection of Purple Hardy Water Lilies in North America. Please read the description on each plant as a few of these are shy bloomers however the blooms are incredible. Before 2007 no Purple Hardy water lilies existed. Pairait Songpanich in Thailand made the first incredible breakthroughs and other water lily hybridizers have followed his direction. Detective Erika is miles ahead of other Purple Hardy Water Lilies. The flowers are large and she is ...
  2. All Waterlilies For Sale All Waterlilies For Sale, Perennial Lilies begin shipping as they come up in April to southern areas. Annual / Tropical Lilies will hold orders until they become available between to ship Mid May and Early June. Around September we stop shipping lilies for the year. Waterlilies should be planted in heavy loam soil, not in pebbles or stones. We understand some clients put them in gravel but there is a high mortality rate with this, usually older ponds with silt and muck bottoms where the crown...
  3. Waterlilies for Earthen natural ponds Be sure to plant these in 1 to 3 feet of water where there is earth, not all rocks.Beware that water fowl, large koi or carp, turtles, and other animals will eat on these so fencing in until established for protection is a great idea for your investment. One turtle alone can eat a waterlily overnight. Plant for an established ecosystem and eventually enough plants will multiply where a koi carp or turtle can snack without decimating the crop. We offer mostly sterile waterlilies only capeable ...
  4. Viviparous Annual Water Lilies Viviparous Annual water lilies have more of a tenancy to survive cool water for short periods of time, possibly zone 9 in the south and coastal southern California. These lilies have micrantha species in their genetics and can often but not always be propagated by growing new plants off the leaves if you grow them large enough. To note many star lilies including those created in the last 30 years by Ken Landon are also quite cold tolerant but are not viviparous by leaf. These viviparous lilie...
  5. Evening Blooming Annual Water Lilies Evening Blooming Water LiliesPerhaps best for weekday workers. These plants are usually medium to large and enjoy sun, but rather than closing before you get home, these open soon after, so you can enjoy the evening by the pond. The flowers stay open until 9:30am to 11am. Colors of night bloomers range from White to Pink to Red. All of the night blooming lilies are annuals which require warm water of 72 degrees or better with no drop in temperature.Keep them fertilized and they can bloom ever...
  6. Annual Water Lilies Annual Water Lilies Annual water lilies love warm water and fertilizer. They are sweet scented and make a very short wonderful cut flower for 1-2 days. These flower all summer into fall if you keep them fertilized. They can be four feet across or fifteen, mostly controlled by pot size and fertilizer. All colors, shapes, and leaf patterns are available. We are happy to offer the widest selection of plants in North America.
  7. Champion Waterlilies Champion Annual Water Lilies: Champion water lily varieties are usually the cream of the crop, though not all lilies are deserving of high praise which have won competitions we have selected the very best and include in the waterlily description for you what features you might just fall in love with. Annual waterlilies benefit from being often the largest, most vibrant flowers, and by far the most fragrant. Most day blooming annuals (tropicals) are have some of the best scents of the plant k...
  8. Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies Medium & Large Winter Hardy Water Lilies, these plants can be put in pots or earth bottom ponds. Can grow at levels 1 to 3 feet deep. In an earth bottom pond, not restricted by a container they can probably reach 4 feet deep. Fertilizer is vital if you want daily blooms, water lilies are quite heavy feeding plants / flowers. Use four pond tabs on the 1st and 15th of each month during growing season for constant flowers.
  9. Heavy Blooming winter hardy water lilies These are the best bloomers, make sure these have an adequate size container. Crowding, not dividing, and not fertilizing lead to plants with few flowers. Follow our planting a hardy waterlily guide or our dividing hardy waterlilies video.
  10. Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lilies Dwarf and Small Hardy Water Lily Varieties grow mainly in 6 to 18 inches of water, they will not do well with koi over 6 inches but are fine with all goldfish. They still love as much direct sunlight as you can provide as well as 3 fertilizer tablets per month or half the treatment of landon waterlily fertilizer that you may treat a large variety. We would never recommend surrounding these with even small stones as the rhizomes are small and tender. Fertilize monthly during growing season. Wi...
  11. Containers: Pond Plants & Waterlilies We offer excellent new fabric planting containers on Pond Megastore. For the largest lotus consider larger water containers like this 20" x 6" container at Lowes. Or rubber or plastic animal troughs from somewhere like Tractor Supply Company or Rural King in your area. SAVE MONEY: To mix your own perfect aquatic soil take a very inexpensive bag of topsoil (never potting soil), mix together a 75%/25% ratio with pool filter sand which is pre-rinsed sand and wont cloud the water. The san...
  12. Fertilizer for Waterlilies & Lotuses Proper Planting Containers & Fertilizer are needed if you have a pond with a liner rather than an earth bottom pond. Fabric pots are highly recommended, the additional air that can get in and to the roots speeds up plant growth. The sides of fabric containers can be folded down to use like a handle so they are height adjustable. Depending on your water depth, Fabric planters can easily be adjusted by rolling down to the desired height. The two best industry aquatic plant fertilizers are a...
  13. Water Lilies for Natural & Earth Bottom Ponds Earth Bottom Pond or Natural Swimming Pool? These Large beautiful selections can be viewed from 50 or 100 yards away with big flowers and a nice spread of lilypads!
  14. RARE & NEW WATERLILY & LOTUS The Following are Brand NEW or very rare waterlilies. Most are very expensive and we will be offering just 2 to 20 of these as early introductions. In future years we will offer them in larger quantities if they divide well. Most are new hybrids, but others are from far reaches of the outback in Australia or the lower Amazon river in south America.
  15. Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars Perennial (Winter Hardy) Water Lily Cultivars can survive winter in almost any location properly planted many weeks before the first frost and below where ice will form in the pond. Hardy lilies if they ever would perish in winter are more likely to do so from stress of being overgrown and without any sunlight for a lengthy period where snow builds up over the ice above the plant for weeks on end. A pond de-icer therefore actually saves more than fish in snowy northern areas, it may save a wa...
  16. Day Blooming Water Lily Day blooming Annual water lilies: Annual lilies open early in the morning often between 7:30am and 9:30am and stay open late usually from 4:30pm to sometimes within an hour of sunset. The love sun, a good growing container with heavy soil and steady fertilizer. Water Temperatures really need to constantly be above 70 or 74 for these to do well and not go dormant so be sure you do not ask for these early in the spring, you will set them back months by doing that.
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