Pond Megastore

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Pond Megastore

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  1. Beautiful Planting Ideas for Natural Swimming Pools Natural Swimming Pools Natural swimming pools are beautiful additions to your home. They are often less expensive to use than traditional pools since there are no chemicals to add. No rectangular, chlorine filled pool--but natural looking, beautifully shaped, with curved edges and beautifully landscaped margins. They may include rocks, waterfalls and boulders, as well. Just imagine, no harsh chemicals, no burning eyes from chlorine. . .just sweet, fresh crystal-clear water! It ...
  2. Water Gardens for Beginners There is so much information. Where do we begin? This page has examples of many different size water features, look for the one that best describes your water feature!Each example of water feature sizes title is purple. Before we begin, think about the following.... A Water Garden and a Koi Pond are two separate things. Which one do you want? What is most important to you? How would you describe your water garden feature? A Container Garden, Small Pond, Medium Pond, Large Pond or Natural...
  3. Earth Bottom Ponds Earth Bottom Ponds Earth bottom ponds can be quite beautiful and you can create an excellent ecosystem with beautiful plants that will come back year after year. Many of these plants can be planted directly in the soil on the shelves and bottom of your pond. Other plants such as lotus, or horsetail rush may be planted in pots so that you have more control over the growth or overgrowth of the plant. Depending on your geographic location, you must decide if you nee...
  4. Native Pond Plants, Growing Wetland Aquatic Plants & Water Lilies For our customers with large earth bottom natural ponds:Both Native plants and ornamental impact plants are excellent an excellent choice for natural ponds. Do not think of weeds or even cattails which will quickly get out of control in an earth bottom pond.Native plants prevent erosion, keep the water clean and clear and add a lot of character to the natural setting. What Plants/Native Plants are best for my natural earth bottom ponds? Different parts of the country should use different pl...
  5. What Are The Best Plants To Help Filter Impurities From The Pond? What are the best plants to help filter impurities from the pond? Here is a list of clear water plants: Water Iris-Water Iris are known to be one of the best aquatic plants to remove toxins from the water in your pond or water garden. Iris add a splash of color to the pond in early spring when other plants are not yet blooming. Taro-Taro roots have a large surface area to help take up nutrients from the water. Taro come in many varieties to add showy leaves and the WOW factor to your pond....
  6. What Are The Benefits Of Fabric Planters? What Are The Benefits Of Fabric Planters? The benefits of fabric planters are listed below: Most importantly, fabric containers allow plant roots access to oxygen Easy to use Easier to ship with plants, as the bags can be folded and added to your plant order Lower shipping costs, as we can send containers in smaller boxes and fabric planters are much lighter than plastic pots Some of the benefits of fabric planters are obvious, some are not so obvious. When you allow your plants' root...
  7. What is the Difference Difference Between A Koi Pond And A Water Garden The Differences Between a Koi Pond and a Water Garden Water gardening was made famous by the artist Claude Monet, in France. One of his most famous paintings was named "Le Bassin Aux Nympheas", the beautiful, impressionistic painting of waterlilies. The idea for water gardening crossed the Atlantic in the early 1920's and became popular. Sparks of interest occurred again in the 1990's, and evolved into our water gardening industry today.There are a number of plants that can ...
  8. Questions and Answers Regarding Bullfrog Tadpoles and Bullfrogs Adding Bullfrogs To Your Pond If you would like to add some ambience to your backyard pond or water garden, just add some bullfrog tadpoles. It won't be long before you hear the mating chorus from bullfrogs throughout the spring and summer months. Bullfrogs perched on a rock at the edge of a pond or lazily sitting on a lily pad are always enjoyable to see! These voracious eaters will often cannibalize tadpoles or young frogs, so It is important that you create the right environment to att...
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